870 registered participants, 10 presentations, 6 workshops: A solid event :-).
On November 10, 2022 the World Usability Day (WUD) took place in Hamburg. Also this year - as since 2007 - organized by eparo. Corona-conditioned we decided again for a remote conference in 2022. And again with a new conference platform. This time it was airmeet. Hopin has become too expensive and we didn't really like the interaction possibilities of Hopin either
The theme this year "OUR HEALTH" was picked up in many presentations. This went from accessibility to the specifics of medical device conception and design.
The 6 workshops were completely booked out and the participants were able to take away a lot.
With 870 registered participants, 550 of which were online during the day, we were pretty close to last year's results.
Overall, it was a great Hamburg World Usability Day. Especially the interactions of the participants in Airmeet have increased again and there was also a lot of exchange in the remote format.
Let's see if we will do the WUD live in Hamburg again in 2023 or if we will stick to the remote format...
Many thanks to all sponsors who made the WUD possible this year.
The recordings of the presentations (and also the slides) can be found below in the program overview. But here also as a list (some releases are still missing...):
850 registered participants, 10 presentations, 7 workshops: Not too shabby :-).
On November 11, 2021 the World Usability Day (WUD) took place in Hamburg. Also this year - as since 2007 - organized by eparo. Corona-conditioned we decided again for a remote conference. But this time on Hopin as conference platform. We wanted to allow more interaction between the participants.
The motto this year "TRUST-ETHICS-INTEGRITY" was taken up in many presentations. It was noticeable that we take the responsibility we have as product managers, designers and developers seriously.
The 7 workshops had concrete practical relevance and the participants were able to take away a lot.
With 850 registered participants, 620 of whom were also online during the day, we broke our own record again.
Overall, the digital format worked very well again. Hopin as a platform made it easier to keep track of everything and the exchange between the participants was much more intensive than last year.
We have already quietly considered whether we really want to do a live event again in 2022:-)
Many thanks to all the sponsors who made the WUD possible this year.
A true Corona experiment. Completely digital, with lectures via Youtube stream and workshops in zoom.
We are happy that the Hamburg WUD also worked remotely.
On November 12, 2020, the World Usability Day (WUD) took place in Hamburg. Also this year - as since 2007 - organized by eparo - but due to corona as a remote conference. A real experiment with more than 700 registered participants :-)
The motto this year "HUMAN-CENTERED AI" was of course the topic of several presentations. In addition, of course, presentations from the whole spectrum of UX, digital economy, startups and product management.
The 7 workshops had concrete practical relevance and the participants were able to take away a lot,
Overall, the digital format worked surprisingly well. Above all, there were no queues at the entrance and nobody froze in the foyer
Many thanks to all the sponsors who made the WUD possible this year.
700 participants attend talks and workshops on digital product development, UX and usability.
On November 8, 2018, the World Usability Day (WUD) took place in Hamburg. As it has been organized since 2007 by eparo in cooperation with the DEPARTMENT INFORMATION at the faculty Design - Media - Information of the University of Applied Science Hamburg (HAW). More than 700 participants attended the 11 lectures, the panel discussion around this year's main topic: "Design for Good or Evil " and the 6 workshops. The focus theme: "Design for Good or Evil " was the topic of several presentations and the panel discussion and was much discussed by the participants. At its core, it became clear that there are no "evil" patterns, only "evil" intentions. Ultimately, the responsibility to do good and not harm anyone lies with every company and individual working on digital products and services.
This year, the Hamburg WUD was the largest German event at World Usability Day 2018, with over 700 attendees.
You can find the individual talk slides at the respective talk.
Thanks to the German UPA for coordinating the WUD events in Germany.
Follow WUD Hamburg on Instagram popup: yes!
On November 8, 2018, the World Usability Day (WUD) took place in Hamburg. As it has been since 2007, organized by eparo in cooperation with the DEPARTMENT INFORMATION at the faculty Design - Media - Information of the University for applied Science Hamburg (HAW). More than 700 participants attended the 11 lectures, the panel discussion around this year's main topic: "Design for Good or Evil " and the 6 workshops. The focus theme: "Design for Good or Evil " was the topic of several presentations and the panel discussion and was much discussed by the participants. At its core, it became clear that there are no "evil" patterns, only "evil" intentions. Ultimately, the responsibility to do good and not harm anyone lies with every company and every individual working on digital products and services.
This year, the Hamburg WUD was the largest German event at World Usability Day 2018, with over 700 attendees.
You can find the individual talk slides at the respective talk.
Thanks to the German UPA for coordinating the WUD events in Germany.
Follow WUD Hamburg on Instagram popup: yes!
Focus topic: Inclusion through UX.
With just under 500 visitors, WUD 2017 has already set the attendance record again. This became apparent early on when looking at the XING registrations, as there were already over 300 registrations even though the program had not yet been published.
This year, we were able to reflect the current focus topic "Inclusion through UX" well through a number of presentations and the panel discussion. In addition to the 13 presentations, there were also 10 workshops, all very practical and educational. Overall, the open format with Speakers Corner after each presentation was well received. There was a lot of discussion and talking with each other.
Only at the last presentations at 5:30 p.m. did the number of visitors drop sharply. We will probably learn from this that next year we will shorten the program a bit.
Of course you can have a look at all slides of the presentations and photos of the day here. The slides can be found in the program at the respective presentation. The videos will probably also be linked there from the end of November.
Another review of the Hamburg World Usability Day 2017 can be found in the eparo Blog.
Focus topic: Sustainability
With over 400 guests, WUD 2016 surpassed all previous events. Of course, we are very happy about that! There was predominantly positive feedback. Yet it was not at all easy to put together a diverse program that would meet all needs. The topic of "Sustainable (Green) UX" is probably not yet so present in the UX scene and we had only half as many presentation submissions as in previous years. The Speakers' Corner was highly praised by many and used intensively for discussions and questions. We had the impression that there were many good conversations and impulses on the topic of sustainability and sustainable UX.
Of course, you can view all slides of the presentations and photos of the day here. The slides can be found in the program at the respective presentation. You can get a photo review on Instagram. You can see what the WUD was like from a participant's perspective here at Report by Torsten Sannwald. Matthias Müller-Prove, our moderator for the lectures in the Ditze lecture hall, has also written a Review.
Focus topic: Innovation
With around 350 participants, 18 presentations and 6 workshops, WUD 2015 was the largest WUD in Hamburg to date. The focus topic INNOVATION had ensured that the program was again particularly diverse. In the morning we invited you to workshops and in the afternoon there were talks in three tracks around innovation, UX, product management and (maybe also) usability.
In the eparo blog: Rückblick WUD 2015